Question 1- In Scratch the different loops are
, repeat to certain number which continues the loop however many times the number you tell in too.
, forever- which contines the loop forever until you click on the stop sign.
,if something happenes then, which is when a event happens it trigers the loop to start until a certain action happens.
Question 2- I would use the repeat a certain number loop so you can adjust the number of times it goes.
Question 3- No the structure does not work because after saying "forever loop!" it will never be said again, since saying "Forever and ever!!" will never stop.
Question 4- Sprites know when you begin when a command is activated and there are many different command, for exapmple when the green flag is clicked, when the space bar is clicked, when the mouse-pointer goes over the sprite.
Question5- Yes the codes are equivalent because they produce the same command. When ever the space bar is clicked it will say " Spacebar has been pressed" and when any other key is pressed the costume will change.